Transit union International President to speak at mass rally of York Region transit strikers at York Region headquarters in Newmarket .
The International President of the 185,000-member Amalgamated Transit Union, Larry Hanley, will be attending a mass rally of over 500 York Region transit workers nearly four weeks after their strike against Viva, Miller Transit and First Student began on October 24. Hanley will be addressing the rally and will be available for media interviews.
WHEN: 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: York Region Headquarters
17250 Yonge Street
The rally is being staged to coincide with a meeting of the York Region Council that begins at 9:30 a.m.
Hanley is a major figure in the North American labour movement and was one of the union leaders who recently helped win repeal of the Ohio law that banned collective bargaining in the public sector.
Also in attendance will be Ray Doyle, President of ATU Local 1587, which represents workers at Miller Transit and First Student, and Bob Kinnear, President of Local 113, which represents workers at Viva.
The union will be reiterating its offer to end the strike immediately if the companies agree to a neutral arbitration process.