Thursday, July 22, 2010


On Monday, September 6th, working men and women will be taking to the streets in Toronto to celebrate their achievements.  The theme for this year’s Labour Day parade is “Defend Our Public Services”.

Our Local will be taking part in this event and will be meeting at approximately 8:30 am in the parking lot on the west side of Chestnut Street just south of Dundas Street West. (Parade will start at 9:30 am sharp.)
Those participating in the Labour Day Parade will receive a wristband granting them FREE entry into the CNE after the parade.


The July 2010 and August 2010 General Monthly Meetings are cancelled.  As per article 13.3 of the Consitution and General Laws of the Amalgamated Transit Union, all members shall be granted credit for attendance for each of these meetings.


(A message from the Toronto & York Region Labour Council)

The summer of 2010 has already served up more than the usual share of drama and excitement. Most people haven’t focused yet on the upcoming municipal elections, but the jockeying for position is already taking place. Is there a surprise in the level of support for Rob Ford’s simplistic tax cuts message? We know it goes beyond hard-core conservatives to include some union members and residents who feel alienated from City Hall. But we also know what happens when that kind of right-wing populism prevails - the devastation and turmoil of the Mike Harris years were ample proof.

If it is clear what we don’t want, why aren’t more people raising their voices about the kind of city we do want? Has the relentless griping from pundits and wannabe mayors left us with selective amnesia about our past efforts to build a livable city? The Labour Council has been a very strong advocate for the kinds of policies needed for an incredibly complex city. There are no shortcuts or simple answers. This is, after all, Canada’s largest urban centre, an economic powerhouse with the most diverse population in the world. To read more go to