Wednesday, December 21, 2011



The ongoing labour dispute with the private contractors charged with delivering transit service to residents of York Region continues.  It is clear that the private operators have no incentive to settle the strike, and that York Region Council is satisfied to see thousands of residents denied transit service. 

On November 17th, York Region put out a news release that noted:

“We heard from union leaders today that wage parity with GTA peers is not the expectation; rather improvement in the wage gap is the realistic goal.  Given this observation, and in light of wage offers that have emerged, it would appear both parties are in a position to resume meaningful negotiations.”

And yet, the contractors have not moved in any significant way from their “final offer” that led to the strike – one that continues to underpay transit workers some $7/hour below all other jurisdictions in the GTA.  This is certainly a recipe for ongoing problems.  No York Region politician would consider paying police or firefighters a dramatically lower salary – why is it acceptable for transit workers?

Over many decades, York Region and each of its municipalities have successfully bargained collective agreements with their own employees without a single strike. So why is this so hard to settle?  There is one simple reason – the presence of private operators that are huge multinational companies answerable to CEO’s outside of Canada.  Their profit margin comes first – far ahead of the interests of the people of York Region. 

It is time to remove these middlemen that have no concern for the people of this region, and create a truly public transit system.  One that is accountable to the public, and run in the interests solely of the public.  One where everyone can see that every public dollar goes to improved service, not some profit line reported in another country. 

Transit riders, residents and families of operators without work continue to be the unfortunate and unnecessary victims of this situation.  The Labour Council calls on York Region Council to do that right thing – cancel the contracts for failure to deliver the service agreed to, and set up a truly public system for Canada’s most dynamic growing region.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Green Party of Canada in Newmarket-Aurora calls for an end to York Region Transit strike.

The five-week-old transit strike in York Region is a burden to many individuals and families.  Those hardest-hit, such as seniors, students and the under-employed, are also the least likely to have alternative means of getting around.  As well, the striking workers are suffering greatly, as they have given up essentially 100% of their income by going on strike to get wages and benefits closer to other GTA transit workers.
The Green Party of Canada’s Newmarket-Aurora Candidate-of-Record and Social Services Critic, Vanessa Long, today expressed solidarity with the unionized workers and she “chastises the Region for outsourcing a service that is so vital to healthy, sustainable communities and social justice within our area.”
Ms Long continued: “As a family that uses public transit, we have been personally impacted by the strike.  At least we have alternatives so it is only an inconvenience but I think it shows a complete lack of responsibility by the Region and YRT to allow it to go on this long.  And saying that their hands are tied because of outsourcing is no longer acceptable.  The workers are asking for binding arbitration, let’s move this process forward as quickly as possible.”
The Green Party of Canada, Newmarket-Aurora, calls on the Region and York Region Transit to pressure the bus companies to end this strike now by agreeing to binding arbitration.

Friday, November 25, 2011

In Memory of Brother George Gautreau

George passed away at Centenary Hospital, surrounded by love and family, on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at the age of 58.  Beloved husband of Barbara for 21 years. Devoted father to Jeremy, Jeffrey, Christopher and Alexander. Survived by his mum Emma Gautreau. Dearly missed by his 5 grandchildren: Jaden, Brianna, Alexis, Noah and Logan. Friend to all and a rock to his family, we will hold him in our hearts forever.

Friends and family may gather at McDougall & Brown Funeral Home (Scarborough Chapel), 2900 Kingston Rd. 416-267-4656 on Saturday, November 26th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Service to follow in the chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation would be appreciated.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mass Rally at York Region Headquarters

Transit union International President to speak at mass rally of York Region transit strikers at York Region headquarters in Newmarket.
The International President of the 185,000-member Amalgamated Transit Union, Larry Hanley, will be attending a mass rally of over 500 York Region transit workers nearly four weeks after their strike against Viva, Miller Transit and First Student began on October 24. Hanley will be addressing the rally and will be available for media interviews.
WHEN:          9:00 a.m.
WHERE:        York Region Headquarters
                   17250 Yonge Street
                   Newmarket, Ontario
The rally is being staged to coincide with a meeting of the York Region Council that begins at 9:30 a.m.
Hanley is a major figure in the North American labour movement and was one of the union leaders who recently helped win repeal of the Ohio law that banned collective bargaining in the public sector.
Also in attendance will be Ray Doyle, President of ATU Local 1587, which represents workers at Miller Transit and First Student, and Bob Kinnear, President of Local 113, which represents workers at Viva.
The union will be reiterating its offer to end the strike immediately if the companies agree to a neutral arbitration process.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Poll: York Region residents want strike ended by arbitration; union agrees

A telephone poll of 2,107 residents of York Region on November 3 showed that 71 per cent wanted the Regional government to intervene in the nearly 3-week old bus strike at Viva, Miller and First Student.  Only 12 per cent said the Region should not intervene and 17 per cent were undecided. View poll results.

The union has written to York Regional Chairman Bill Fisch saying that they will agree to arbitration and end the strike immediately if the companies also agree in writing to submit the dispute to neutral arbitrators.

“The gap between the union and the YRT contractors is too great.  There is no resolution in sight.  In such circumstances, arbitration is the way to go.  It's a fair process and it will end the strike,” wrote Ray Doyle, President of ATU Local 1587, which represents the Miller and First Student workers, and Bob Kinnear, President of ATU Local 113, which represents the VIVA workers. Read letter.

The union also took out full page ads in two York Region newspapers today, to publicize the poll and the letter to Fisch. View Ad.

“We are ready to end the strike today,” says Doyle. “Chairman Fisch should call the bus companies and demand that they go to arbitration.  It’s a fair process and there is no law that prevents him from making that request.”

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Collective Agreement Ratified

It will be service as usual on the GO Bus system following this morning's announcement from Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1587 that the settlement reached late on October 23 has been ratified by its membership.
The Union represents Office and Professional Staff, Fleet Maintenance, Plant Maintenance, Bus Operators, Station Attendants and Transit Safety personnel - over 1530 workers in all.
The Local Union Executive would like to thank their members for their continued solidarity.
The Union also extends their gratitude to the passengers and general public for their patience and understanding.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


To the GO Transit Bargaining Unit Members of Local 1587:


Your Executive Board would like to thank our members for their patience and understanding during this collective bargaining period.  ATU Local 1587's membership solidarity is a testimony to the labour movement.

Please be advised that your bargaining committee has reached a tentative agreement with Metrolinx (GO Transit) and the work stoppage set for 12:01 a.m. on Monday, October 24, 2011 has been postponed pending ratification.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


To our members, passengers and general public:

Please be advised that the Miller Transit and First Student bargaining units operating York Region Transit in Richmond Hill, Markham, Georgina, Aurora and Newmarket have rejected their respective offers and are now set to



12:01 a.m. on October 24, 2011
The Union's bargaining committee maintains their commitment to their members and ridership by remaining available and prepared to bargain in good faith with the respective employers in an attempt to avoid this strike action.
Union members will accommodate our passengers until the end of business on October 23rd.
ATU Local 1587 will keep their members and the public apprised of any changes.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Negotiation Update...STRIKE ACTION!


12:01 a.m. on October 24, 2011

set for

(GO Transit)
First Student and Miller Transit
(York Region Transit) 

The Union bargaining committees continue to negotiate with Metrolinx (GO Transit), First Student and Miller Transit (YRT) in an effort to resolve all outstanding issues to avoid a strike.

Failure to reach a tentative agreement
will result in a strike action.

Union members will accommodate our passengers until the end of business on October 23rd.

ATU Local 1587 will keep their members and the public apprised of any changes in their strike action.

Friday, September 16, 2011


"Honour the agreement you signed GO Transit”, the Union demands after GO Transit reneges on the ‘Right to Strike’ agreement.

Contract talks between GO Transit and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1587 resumed today but may not last long if Metrolinx, the agency that operates the commuter service, continues to refuse to honour an "essential services" agreement signed earlier this year by the Union and GO Transit.

The March 2011 “Essential Services Agreement” outlines that no job within the Union is deemed “essential”.  It goes on to state, “...all bargaining unit employees have the right to strike.”  The Union applied on August 30 for a No Board Report from the Ministry of Labour and set a strike date for September 19.

The Union points out that the March agreement was the same as previous agreements dating back to 1996, which had always been accepted by GO management and the Ministry of Labour.

"This is unprecedented political interference in the collective bargaining process," said Ray Doyle, President of ATU Local 1587.

"The government does not want a GO Transit strike during the election.  Who else would have the authority to order Metrolinx and the Minister of Labour to ignore the Labour Relations Act? Who else would have the authority to order provincial public officials to renege on an agreement they had signed?"

Doyle said it makes further negotiations meaningless "if we can't trust management to live up to agreements they have signed."

"What's the point of negotiating with someone who will turn around and repudiate their own signatures when it is convenient for them to do so," Doyle added.

The parties will be at the Ontario Labour Relations Board to thrash out the issue.  The union will be asking for an expedited hearing and a quick confirmation from the Board that the signed essential services agreement is valid and binding.

"The issue is very straightforward," says Doyle. "Can management get out of a signed agreement by simply declaring that they no longer accept it?  "If the Board rules that management can do this, that a signed agreement can be repudiated without consequences, it will throw Ontario labour relations into chaos."

ATU Local 1587 represents more than 1500 GO Transit unionized workers.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


General Meeting

Sunday, September 11, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Ontario Federation of Labour
15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

GO Transit workers take step towards strike.

A strike against the GO Transit system "...will most definitely happen," says ATU Local 1587 President Ray Doyle, "if management clings to its position of no wage increase unless it is taken out of existing benefits costs."

It's an absolutely unreasonable position," says Doyle. "There's more money for management but not one cent for the workers."

Today, the union applied to the Ontario Ministry of Labour for a No Board Report, which starts the clock ticking towards a possible strike on Monday, September 19.  If this happens, it will be the first strike involving GO Transit ATU employees.

ATU Local 1587 represents 650 GO Bus Operators, as well the system's Coach Technicians, Station Attendants, Office and Professional Staff and Service personnel - 1530 workers in all.  Doyle commented on recent membership meetings stating, “Our 95 per cent strike vote was unprecedented and shows how frustrated our members are.”

"We will continue to negotiate but we need to see steps toward fairness.  Two tier programs are a failed concept and should never be considered fair for any workers.”

GO has offered a “0%” zero percent wage increase over the next two years.

GO Transit carries approximately 50 million passengers a year to and from Toronto and numerous outlying municipalities, such as Peterborough, Kitchener, Niagara Falls, Barrie and many others.

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1587 also represents employees operating and maintaining York Region Transit buses for Miller Transit and First Student Canada; privately-owned bus companies under contract to YRT.  They are similarly poised to strike.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jack Layton – A man of passion and courage

We mourn the passing of NDP Leader Jack Layton, whose passion for justice and courage battling cancer inspired all Canadians. His death comes only a few short months after leading the New Democratic Party to a historic victory as official opposition in Parliament, including the dynamic breakthrough for the NDP in Quebec. His personal charisma and determination helped win over two million new votes for the party he so ably led.
Jack's legacy includes many years of visionary work on the environment and powerful advocacy for the unique role of cities in Canada's future. As a teacher, City Councillor, and president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, he constantly strived to create solutions for the key challenges of the day. His work on forcing attention to the tragedy of homelessness was just one example of his wisdom and compassion.
Jack Layton was also fiercely loyal to working people and their struggles. From challenging trespass laws on behalf of union picketers in the 1980s, to leading the lengthy filibuster against unjust legislation hitting postal workers this summer, Jack was everywhere to be found supporting the cause of workers across this country.
On behalf of the Executive and members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1587, we offer our sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. He will be well missed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



Sister and Brothers,

On Monday, September 5th, working men and women will be taking to the streets in Toronto to celebrate their achievements.

Our Local will be taking part in this event and will be meeting at approximately 8:30 am in the parking lot on the west side of Chestnut Street just south of Dundas Street West.  We will join in the parade on the east (curb) side of University Avenue just north of Queen Street.  The parade will start at 9:30 am sharp.

Those participating in the Labour Day Parade will receive a wristband granting them FREE entry into the CNE after the parade.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

In Memory of Brother Scott Gibson

Obituary for William Scott Gibson

Suddenly at home on June 18, 2011 at the age of 47. Beloved husband of Liz. Father of Oranit. Scott will be missed by his parents Beverly and Dave Thorley, his brothers Rick and David and his brothers and sisters of ATU Local 1587.  Friends may call on Friday, June 24, 2011 from 2-4 & 7-9 pm at the R.S. Kane Funeral Home (6150 Yonge Street, at Goulding, south of Steeles). Funeral Service to be held in the Chapel at 10:00am on Saturday, June 25, 2011.  Reception to follow.  As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Making Union Wages Go Further

Sisters & Brothers,

Union Savings Benefit Programs® offers the nearly 920,000 members of its 37 participating Canadian unions and labour organizations tremendous savings, discounts and special bonus features for a wide range of goods and services. Products available include cell phones, BlackBerries and iPhones, a MasterCard specifically tailored to the needs of union members, insurance, mortgages, and home purchase and sales. The suppliers are names you trust such as Bell Mobility, BMO, Canada Life, ACE, and Royal LePage.

Our members are eligible for these special discounts as a result of our affiliation with Amalgamated Transit Union Canadian Council.

Follow to find and review all this program has to offer.

Also, I would like to draw your attention to the current Bell Mobility plan/hardware offer which can be viewed and downloaded at  For more information please send your questions to or call 1-866-375-3111 and ask for Eric Escribano.

Monday, May 30, 2011


General Meeting

Sunday, June 12, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Ontario Federation of Labour
15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Community Day of Action in Toronto
1 p.m. Saturday, April 9, 2011
Rally at Dundas Square
followed by a march to Toronto City Hall

What’s at Stake?
  • Services and programs that serve every resident and community, such as libraries, child care and recreation centres
  • TTC serving all neighbourhoods
  • Environmental leadership in challenging climate change
  • Keeping public control of public services, such as garbage pickup
  • Safeguarding vital public assets, such as housing
  • Good jobs and the fundamental rights of workers
Take Action

On Saturday, April 9, 2011, rally at Dundas Square (Yonge & Dundas) and march to Toronto City Hall to defend our communities, public services and good jobs. Together, we can stop cuts, closures, user fees and privatization that will hurt every person and every neighbourhood in Toronto. Let’s speak up before it spreads to every city and town in Ontario.

Join in on Facebook at and/or contact for More Information


General Meeting

Sunday, April 10, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Ontario Federation of Labour
15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills

ATU Supports the Japan Earthquake Fundraiser

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The powerful 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck Japan on March 11th, 2011.  The worst in Japan's history, the earthquake triggered a tsunami warning across 20 countries along the Pacific coast and hit the Eastern Coast of Japan which devastated the region.  The Red Cross’ response was immediate.  Local volunteers have been working around the clock to support emergency response efforts including evacuation, search and rescue and emergency first aid.

In response to both the urgency and employee concern, ATU Canada is partnering with the Canadian Red Cross to assist in providing immediate relief and aid to the victims of the Japan Earthquake and subsequent Tsunami.

The ATU Canadian Council has made a contribution to kick-start the Japan Earthquake / Tsunami fundraiser.  We invite everyone to support this worthwhile and urgent fundraising appeal by visiting and completing the form.  Everyone who makes a donation will then receive an electronic tax receipt.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your contribution to this urgent appeal.

In Solidarity,
Executive Board
ATU Local 1587

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Memory of our brother Kirk Bliss

Kirk Bliss
December 15, 1951 - February 27, 2011

Passed away suddenly at home on Sunday, February 27, 2011 in his 60th year. Beloved husband of Bonnie. Loving father of Martin and his wife Jaime, Brooke and her husband Andrew. He will be sadly missed by his grandchildren Jade, Kiera and Hailey. Loving son of Thomas and the late Beatrice. Dear brother of Susan, Garnett, Stacey and Robyn. Fondly remembered by his many friends. A Complete Memorial Service will be held at PINE HILLS CEMETERY & VISITATION CENTRE, 625 Birchmount Rd., Scarborough (north of St. Clair Ave. E., 416-267-8229) on Wednesday, March 2nd at 11 a.m. with visitation one hour prior. If desired, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. For further details or for online condolences please visit

Friday, February 25, 2011


General Meeting
Sunday, March 6, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Ontario Federation of Labour
15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills

Saturday, January 15, 2011


General Meeting

Sunday, February 13, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Ontario Federation of Labour
15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills